After deleting and re-writing this post a good four of five times, the art of writing a summary of why after 2 years I have decided to dust the keyboard off and re-start my blog is, it seems, much more difficult than you would have though. At the age of 14, I wrote my first post on this blog way back in 2012 and its fair to say that my interests at that age were very different to what they are now. For a good two or three years though, ‘Beauty and the Budget’ was my little hobby, my part of the internet where I could write freely about makeup and fashion – about the newest Barry M nail polish collection I had bought from Superdrug or sharing what I had bought on my latest ganders around Primark. True, reading through these posts now makes me cringe internally and question what kind of person I was as a teenager, but as badly written and poorly illustrated as these blog posts were, I loved my blog and writing away every week certainly made me one very content 15 year old.
So that’s
the story of my blogs foundations but why now, 5 years later have I somehow
remembered my password and logged back onto Blogger? Five years on, I am now a
very different person to the one I was at the age of 14 having been through
A-levels and two years of university but I still find myself craving to sit
down with a cup of tea and just write. So I guess this is the start of my
return to blogging and with a new blog title that allows me to write about so
much more than lipstick and eyeliner, I am very excited to see how this goes.
Now with perhaps
a little more going on in my life than say at the age of 15, I don’t reckon I’ll
be posting as frequently as I used to. Nonetheless, being able to write about whatever
I fancy so; travel, life, maybe even the odd beauty post is a very exciting
thought to me and I hope for those of you that are reading along, you get some
sort of enjoyment out of this too.